Thermal Printer

80mm thermal printer JN8330 A

80mm thermal kitchen printer (JN8330A)
*Support multi languages
*Low cost and high-quality thermal printing
*Cash drawer drive supported
*Easy paper-roll installation, Easy maintenance and Rational  structure
*Low-power waste, low-run cost (without

Thermal Printer POS Print Kitchen Thermal Receipt Printer for Restaurant Ordering System thermal printer, receipt printer,

pos printer, bill printer, ticket printer, 80mm thermo printer


A thermal printer is a printer that makes use of heat in order to produce the image on paper. Due to quality of print, speed, and technological advances it has become increasingly popular and is mostly used in airline, banking, entertainment, retail, grocery, and healthcare industries. Thermal printing does not make use of ink or toner unlike many other printing forms but largely depends on thermal papers for producing the images.
